Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Malia is two!

Dear Malia,
Another year has passed blessing us with more time and memories with you. I watch you grow everyday with amazement, sometimes frustration but always love. Your personality has blossomed with verbal words and imagination. You continue to push your independence and display curiosity with the world around you. Every stage of you life is a gift to us. Your father and I are your biggest fans.  We take pride in all your accomplishments whether it be learning a new word, counting a number higher or developing a new motor skill. Everything you do is a big deal to us and we are so fortunate to share these things with you.
My favorite part of the day is walking through the door hearing your little voice yell with excitement "mommy" as you run to me with open arms. My favorite times with you are watching you dance to songs you hear or even trying to sing along. I enjoy every kiss and hug you so willing share. I enjoy the quiet times with our late night cuddles in bed. Hearing the words I love you each morning and night. How different life is with you in it. I had no idea what I was missing out on till you came into my life. Even the times you show your frustration and get in to trouble I cant help but love you even more. You're a wonderful daughter and I'm so very blessed to be your mother.
I look forward to this year with you. I know it will be a year of great transition with a new sibling but I also know you are going to make a wonderful big sister with your caring nature and sweet spirit. I love you Malia nothing will ever change that. Happy Birthday baby girl.


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