Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Choc Hospital 2012

It’s been a week since Malia was released from the hospital. Although we are still catching up on lost hours and nights of sleep we are thankful for the health of our precious angel.
 Malia was admitted to Choc hospital early Sunday morning with a kidney infection. After a weekend of emergency room visits we were finally taken serious and getting the care she needed.

How precious life is and how grateful were are to be reminded of this gift.
It’s seems funny to think that a week earlier Brad and I were complaining about getting new cars and the size of our home when we were humbled by this experience. We may not have all the things we want but we have what we need. We have food in our bellies, a roof over our head, cars to take us places, employment to pay the bills and most importantly the love and health of our family.

I have never been so scared as that night when she was admitted to the hospital. Her tiny body succumbed to infection and pain and we felt helpless and she lay in my arms screaming in pain. To love something so much you would give anything in the world to make them feel better. I would trade places with her in a heartbeat if it meant she wouldn’t have to go through this experience. Oh Malia, how your daddy and I love you. Please never scare us like that again.

Malia is feeling better and unplugged from her IV's. She is ready to take a ride around the hospital grounds.

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