Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On your Birthday 12-7-12


MALIA- 1 year old
 Happy birthday my beautiful
(1) year old. It’s hard to believe this day has already come so quickly. Twelve (12) months ago, your tiny body was placed in my arms bringing a love unlike anything I have ever known. Your presence has bestowed another form of tenderness and unity in our home From the moment you were born, we realized how aware and bright you were. Such wonder and amazement shines through those intelligent eyes.
Days after your arrival, you possesed the ability to smile. Many babies that young are unable to master that motor skill until  months later. You my dear, were a incredibly happy baby from the very start.
You were ready to babble and communicate everything to us. At 3 months you were able to hold your head up. You continued to condition your neck muscles until you had mastered the ability to hold your head up without any assistance. At 5 months you began to sit up and by 6 months you were ready to sit up without back support. At 8 month you showed signs of readiness to crawl by wiggling around on the carpet. You wanted to stand up and walk. By 9 months you could crawl a crossed the room within a matter of seconds. By 9 months you were pulling yourself up on furniture and walking with assistance.  Your determination to accomplish these skills as been an inspiration to watch. By 10 months you were eating fingers foods with mommy and daddy. You're such a healthy eater. Seaweed, fish, quinioa, all sorts of veggies and green smoothies.
At 11 month you were admitted into the hospital  for a kidney infection and scared your father and I half to dealth!
 At 11 and 12 months you dance, sing and love to chase daddy around the house screaming in a high pitch voice. You have you father an I in stitches everytime you decide to gabber on a conversation and laugh at what you just said. You have learned to sign baby, dog, cracker, eat, and all done. you have also learned to shake your head in dissaproval when you dont want something.
Your daddy and I have enjoyed watching you learn and grow. You have given us a second chance to experience life again vicariously through your eyes. Every milestone and motor skill you master is  an amazement  to observe. Holidays have even more meaning now that we are able to share them with you. Nothing in our past is more important than that of our future with you. You have made our house a home and our union a family.
 Your laughter and smile are infectious, it fills our home with happiness and joy. We couldn’t imagine life without you and I cherish the moments we have been given. There is no greater reward in this life than being given the privilege of becoming your mommy. I’m grateful to celebrate this day and look forward to countless birthdays to come.


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