I officially deleted my face book account today. Now that the blog is up and running I can inform and notify family and friends of our life without the unnecessary and unwanted nonsense attached to face book. I feel having a blog will allow a intimate correspondence and flow of information to dear friends and family.
Malia is 6 months and the time has flown by faster than I would like to acknowledge. She is literally growing right before our eyes. Its bittersweet knowing that she is continually developing into her own person. Every day we are able to see a glimpse of her personality. She is rapidly learning to develop her personal skills and has become aware of her surroundings.
Brad is working at second floor in Huntington Beach. He’s been promoted to manager and has done a wonderful job with assisting in their productivity. The work hours are conflicting with mine but we learn to adjust just as we have learned to adjust with other things that has become obstacles.
A surf scout with a wetsuit company has recently spotted Brad surfing and has offered to sponsor him in contests. His first contest will take place July 8th. I know he will do an amazing job. Malia and I will be up front standing as his biggest fans cheering daddy on.
I have been adjusting to life as a working mom, working 40 plus hours a week. It’s hard to leave Malia during the days. I find myself watching past videos of her throughout the day just to feel closer to her. It’s unfortunate that I can only spend a few hours a night with her before she goes to sleep. I truly cherish that time together with her. At least, I can take relief in knowing Brad is with her during the days and is doing a wonderful job at raising our child. He’s active and engaged in every aspect of her life.
I have started running with Malia and am ready to work my way up to 12 miles again. Although 12 miles maybe difficult with a 6 month old. I was lucky to finish 7miles.
Painting has been put on the back burner for some time now although I think it’s about time to restart this passion now that everyone has adjusted to their schedules.
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